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LINCO load live birds loading and unloading conteiner system


Manufacturer LINCO
Model LINCO load live birds conteiner system unloading
Year 2003
Capacity 10 000 BPH


CALL +48 505 131 190



Product description

10 000 BPH Linco live bird conteiner system

All SS performance

500 conteiners set

LINCOload is a fully automatic live bird handling system that handles birds from catching to shackling.

The full LINCOload modules can be transported directly from the truck into the farm by a forklift, and positioned conveniently close to the birds to be loaded.

The drawers are loaded from the top down. The top drawer acts as a lid for the next. The module can comfortably be loaded from two sides.The large drawer opening makes loading fast and easy and minimises injuries on the birds during the loading process. 

  • Fast and easy loading at the farm
  • Forklift handling of full and empty modules
  • Shackling directly from the drawer
  • Improved animal welfare and meat quality by reduced bird stress and injuries
  • Separate washing of module and drawers to optimise biosecurity
  • Manual and automatic catching

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